Sunday, December 19, 2010

Christmas Tree shopping

Well, here it was, the second week of December - time to get our tree. Dave was actually "off" from work that day, so suprised us all with a trip to the Real tree farm to choose our own tree and actually cut it down. Very exciting...but I'm not so sure the kids understood it. They went for the cutest, smallest tree. Not exactly what we were looking for. Riley understood that we needed a larger one than Adyson had chose. See??
All these trees to choose from. It was mind-boggling. All these different varieties.

And of course a hay-ride to see the reindeer.

Very exciting day in the Keough house. When we finally did decide on a tree, of course, mama likes them big, it turned out it was about the equivalent of a car payment. Off we headed, treeless, to Home Depot, who has never let us down.

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