Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

it started with the breakfast. the kids were a bit aprehensive about eating santa. who would have thought?

daddys little sous chef. that's our second turkey. yes, we had two - and enough turkey to feed an army. long story.

MMMMMMMMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmm. dinner. first year i pulled out the good china since riley was born.

turkey makes you tired. out like a light she was. even before.........

this fabulous pie!! (and this was not even the highlight of the dessert table. again, we all must have thought we were cooking for an army. )

A very fabulous thanksgiving day with my wonderful family.


Jenny G said...

Those pancakes are adorable!!!

Fine china?? Hmmm, can't remember the last time I saw ours. It's still packed in its' original boxes in a closet at my parents house along with a few other gifts, they call it "Jenny's wedding closet".

McKt said...

Wow! Looks like mom and dad really went all out and the day was wonderful! I am impressed. Did all the china make it through the day? Do they make plastic plates with fine china patterns? That would work for me!