Sunday, August 1, 2010


I love taking pictures. I love that my babies are so photogenic. Well, Adyson is. I was so inpsired by some of my friends pictures that I stole the idea. Made my girl a little tu-tu, bejewled it, packed it, and we went for a walk on the beach. Of course, on this particular day, she did not want to humor her mama. She couldn't wait to get upstairs.
I do belileve this is the only picture I have, of the 200 that I took, that she is smiling.

The only time for the WHOLE WEEK we were there that she simply did not want to go in the water. I mean the only time! Any other hour of any other day, you could find her in the water But, not this time. She's so stubborn. I don't know where it comes from!

"O.K. Mom, I'm done."

That's what I got. Those are the best of the best. And don't get me wrong, they are still adorable. I do still love them. They are still going on the wall. I'm just saying.....a little more cooperation would have been appreciated.

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