Tuesday, December 9, 2008

before, during and after

Well, this was even before we decided where the front of the tree was. The big hole goes in the back, against the wall. got it! Some of my friends with young children may be upset by this, but i did move the ornaments. after i said to adyson about, oh - SEVEN HUNDRED times, 'honey, you have to stand up"--there were 25 ornaments in that little 12 inch area. they are young enough. they won't know. sure do wish now i had them in some of their cute christmas jammies.

and finally the tree topper.

A huge, fat tree. put up in a different location so now it is visible from all sides. i had to tripple up the ornaments, and still left two sides rather empty. it looks good from the front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

ummm..Todd, his mom and I all did some rearranging after the kids hung the ornaments. Otherwise we'd just ornaments on 3 branches.