Friday, February 11, 2011

Superbowl Party

Three reasons we are wearing Dallas cowboy football shirts when Greenbay was playing Pittsburgh. One...our loyalty is unwaivering, regardless of the teams. Two...they were playing at Dallas. Three...all our little kids have Dallas Cowboy shirts at the same time...all WITHOUT stains!!
Of course, our thing is a "food-themed" superbowl party. So, here is Dave and I making FROM SCRATCH pierogis. We did not have his mothers recipe, and I'm sure it would have had notes on how to make the pasta so thin, so we were on our own there. Regardless, they were quite good. We probably won't do them again though. ALOT of work!!

Note to all ....If there is a fire and you grab a camera to take some pictures, you are bound to get yelled at. Well, maybe not if you just take one picture and then help extinguish the fire, but if you stay around to take like 10 pictures in case the first 9 don't come out, then you will get yelled at.

If you can't be belly up at the bar at Primanti Brothers for their famous sandwich....then you make it yourself. That's right. Those are french fries on that sandwich (and the cause of the fire). It was without a doubt the highlight of the evening.

Can you believe the size of that?? It was incredible. Makes me want to head out to Sunrise and A1A in Ft. Lauderdale to grab me one next week. Probably not as good as mine though.

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