Saturday, May 31, 2008

Over one month

Seems this month, making just one post was very difficult. So I will do a quick summary of the past month.

1 - I took the kids strawberry picking. Adyson had a fabulous time and filled her basket in like 10 minutes flat. Riley does not like to get his hands dirty and picked about 13 strawberries.

2 - Shane now works at Dariy Queen and has learned that when you work over 16 hours per week, you get paid more. So, I think he likes it.

3 - I am a certified aerobics instructor!! Woo-Hoo!! Who wants to take a STEP class??

4 - We are doing fabulous on potty training. Well, I might even go so far as to say we are trained, because accidents are inevitable. We still - and I think will always - carry our potty in the back of the car.

5 - Schools out. Pros & cons there. Do you have any idea how much a 17 year old boy eats when he is home all day? And he does not make the healthiest of choices. Anyway, good & bad-I'm neutral on it and at this point don't think I would oppose year round schooling. Well, maybe just a month off-not the whole summer.

6 - Oh--Scott's birthday. The big FOUR - O is old news to him now.

7 - Mother's Day. I am Mom to three of the best kids in the world. Love my munchkins!!

8 - I am now certified in CPR.

9 - Shane got his first IRS tax refund check. He is saving for a new car. He wants a Mustang real bad. Apparently they are all the rage.

10-Took the kids to the Cahaba Lily River for a day of fun - and yes, all I thought about the entire time was snakes, but we did not run across any. Lucky for them becuase I would have screamed and ran to the car & bolted and been home for a few hours before I realized I had abandoned my kids. Very bad - I know, but it would have been a peacful ride home.

11-Memorial Day has come & gone. There is no better combination in the world than Bar-B-Que and beer. Well, maybe peanut butter & chocolate. Ice cream & sprinkles. bubbles & baths. Well, you get the point.

12-Max got sick. Nothing to report about, it just never happens. My puppy is healthy as an ox. (is that the right saying??) Anyway, I think he lost like 5 pounds-and you all know he can't afford it!!

13 - This weekend we are finalizing vacation plans. No, I mean it. We've been throwing things around for a month now. So much to do, and shane has a bag of Doritos waiting at my brothers house.

14 - Riley loves spiderman & superman. Adyson loves her Mommy and her puppy. Some things just never change.

15 - MNO-was another great one. We had a scavenger hunt. I have come to learn that I am too old for a scavenger hunt. No, I take that back, I am too old for a hand-stand. Gave me quite the headache.

16 - Dave had about 6 days off this month. A few of you may realize just how HUGE that is. I don't think he has had 6 days off in the past 12 months combined. It really is all good, but the same thing applies here as did in #5. Not a healthy choice EVER.

17 - Qucikly here with some random facts: This is the first time in my life that I have not worried about painting my fingernails. I have ALWAYS had a manicure. Now, I find that they just don't stay as nice as long as they used to and it's almost not worth it. I wish it were. I Love tomatos. I eat about one per day. I just found a casserole recipe in southern living and ate about the whole thing last night. It was FABULOUS. I hate onions. The only thing on my i-pod is the Bodystep release I have to learn (which I should be doing right now). Finally-the last time i talked to my sister was--well, i can't remember, lets just say around our birthdays (in january) and i think i'll call her today.

I could go on about the random facts, but really - I had a hard enough time recalling the past month.


Anonymous said...

I'm impressed you remembered everything for the last month. I do well to remember last week! PS- I love me some tomato's too.

momx2 said...

Don't think just because you redeemed yourself with this post, that you can get away with not blogging for a whole month again. No way!I love reading your finny posts!

momx2 said...

Finny? What you dont know what that means? Same thing as funny

Says Ms. Copenhaver... said...

Share that casserole recipe, woman!

Sherry said...

Wow, that was pretty good! I am really ticked those kids are potty trained.

Bitter bitter bitter!!!!!!!!!!!

:) Okay, I'm over it. Is your class still at 5:45?